Innovation Meets

Harnessing the power with the aim to transform the animal husbandry industry entire value chain.

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    Supplements & Nutrition

    AHB SURAKSHA: Your full-stack partner in animal husbandry, specializing in dairy solutions. From machinery to advisory services and diagnostics, we've got you covered

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    Advisory, AI & Advanced Diagnostic

    AHB Suraksha revolutionizes dairy landscape through Advisory & AI Advanced Diagnostic Machineries solutions, empowering farmers to monitor and address cattle health proactively. Leveraging advanced technology, we detect potential diseases early, offering timely solutions to enhance productivity and mitigate risks.

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    Rural Empowerment

    AHB Suraksha empowers rural women in dairy product manufacturing, strengthening communities and fostering economic independence. We uplift and empower women in rural areas, creating a brighter and more resilient society

Driving Impact Through

Our innovative approach fostering robust policy
frameworks for sustainable agricultural practices.

05 Feb

Agriculture Minister..

Shri. Surya Pratap Sahni appreciated for empowering rural life of UP women Kisan

16 Mar

Startup Mahakumbh..

Boosting government initiative and attention in improving dairy sector of India and

UC Soon

RKVY NIAM Invested in AHB Suraksha..

AHB Suraksha initiative to reduce methane emissions in dairy farms. This investment highlights a significant...

02 Sep

Bot for Livestock..

By enhancing the diet bot with these advanced features, farmers can achieve better cattle health...

10 Mar

HDFC Bank Invested..

Investment has made in AHB Suraksha, a dairy company, to enhance milk production. This strategic investment ..

16 Mar

BIRAC & NABARD Invest for UP & UK..

Boosting government initiative and attention in improving dairy sector of India and

12 Jan

Rising Punjab Kisan..

Empowering women dairy producers in Punjab, and driving economic growth, uplifting communities..

02 Sep

Emerging UP Dairy Farmers..

Setting up modern dairy farms practice for dairy production of UP Kisan and provide infrastructure

Animal Nutrition
Animal Nutrition Image
Milk-Based Drinks
Milk-Based Drinks Image
Dairy Products
Dairy Products Image

We are extermly delightly by all arround the global community.
The brands we've established define us.

Changing the Shape
of Dairy Farming

What Our
Customers Says

मैं एएचबी सुरक्षा ऐप का उपयोग करके वास्तव में खुश हूं और सबसे अच्छी बात यह है कि मैं सबसे किफायती मासिक रिचार्ज पर केवल साठ सेकंड में पशु चिकित्सक से जुड़ सकता हूं। एएचबी सुरक्षा ऐप। ई एडवाइजरी और वीडियो कॉल फीचर बेहतरीन है। अब मुझे मवेशियों की देखभाल पर फालतू खर्च नहीं करना पड़ेगा और न ही कोई मुझे ठगेगा। यहां मुझे योग्य पशु चिकित्सकों के माध्यम से तुरंत सलाह मिलती है। डॉक्टर से संपर्क करें..!


एएचबी सुरक्षा इमेज परामर्श सुविधा दिलचस्प है और मुझे छवि भेजना और अपनी आवाज रिकॉर्ड करना पसंद है और मुझे पशु चिकित्सक से तत्काल परामर्श और सलाह मिलती है जो मेरे पैसे बचाती है। अब मैं इंस्टैंट वीडियो सब्सक्रिप्शन के लिए भी रीचार्ज करूंगा। मवेशियों की देखभाल में मेरे जीवन को आसान बनाने के लिए एएचबी सुरक्षा को धन्यवाद!

संजीव कुमार